
Sediment is a deposit composed of particles of solid substances that have settled on the bottom of a space filled with gas, e.g. the Earth's atmosphere, or liquid, e.g. containers or natural bodies of water (rivers, lakes, water reservoirs, seas, oceans, etc.) Sediment can be made up of any substance that can be transported in nature by wind or water flow, even from very distant places.

Our services will help you dispose of sediments in the most appropriate way, both ecologically and economically.

Who are our clients?

  • Construction companies
  • Developers, design engineers
  • Managers of watercourses and reservoirs
  • Municipalities
  • Owners, operators of ponds or other bodies of water
  • Wastewater treatment plant (WTP) operators

What do we offer?

  • We provide accredited sampling and analyses of sediments, as well as consulting in the field of sediment and waste management according to applicable legislation.
  • Sediment sampling is always specific to the material, the purpose of the sampling, the amount of material, etc. The sampling method is always described in detail in the sampling protocol, which is handed over to the customer together with the test result certificate after the analysis.
  • Analyses of sediments and soils according to Decree No. 257/2009 Sb., on the application of sediments on agricultural land (determination of the possible use of extracted sediment on agricultural land, or the extent of such use).
  • Analyses of sediments according to Decree No. 273/2021 Sb., on the details of waste management - assessment of the possible use of sediment for backfilling (land improvements).
I want to order an analysis

Just fill in the simple form and we can get down to business!

Do you need advice?
Do you have an idea of what analysis you need, but are not familiar with the complex legislation? If you're not sure about something, contact us and we'll go through it together.
I want advice

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